
Hi! I'm Katelyn Sonnier, and I help people increase their vitality of life by educating them on how to be in control of their health and wellbeing.

Vitality is the state of being strong and with optimal energy. Ayurveda will equip you with the tools and wisdom to heal yourself and increase your vitality of life.

From diet to lifestyle, this ancient science will teach you how to tap into the body's natural healing abilities.

Do you wake feeling exhausted? Do you feel disconnected from your days- counting down to the weekend or a planned vacation? Do you lack motivation and mental clarity? Suffer from digestive issues? I did! That was me before I was introduced to Ayurveda and learned how to take control of my health. I was labeled with many diseases and prescribed countless drugs to alter my mood and support my body’s function. 

Through the healing science of Ayurveda, I was taught the tools to self-diagnosis and self-heal.

I am now a balanced being, free from disease with a clear mind and sustainable energy.

My mission is to empower all with the wisdom to heal themselves through diet, lifestyle practices, and herbs.

Click the button below to book a free consultation with me. 

Available Products

Understanding Vata Dosha

I will teach you about the components of Vata Dosha so you can start viewing yourself, your foods, and your activities through the lens of these energies. Bonus tips on how to apply these tools to live a more balanced life. 

Understanding Pitta Dosha

I will teach you about the components of Pitta Dosha so you can start viewing yourself, your foods, and your activities through the lens of these energies. Bonus tips on how to apply these tools to live a more balanced life. 

Understanding Kapha Dosha

I will teach you about the components of Kapha Dosha so you can start viewing yourself, your foods, and your activities through the lens of these energies. Bonus tips on how to apply these tools to live a more balanced life. 

2024 Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse

This is a community cleanse designed to give you all of the support and guidance you will need for the 14 day process. Upon the completion of the cleanse, your body will feel lighter, your mind will be clearer, and your digestion will be stronger. Sign up before March 29th for a 20% discount using the word 'earlybird'. Click learn more to see what's included!

Transform: A 10-Week Intensive Journey

Unlock the ancient secrets of Ayurveda and awaken your true wellness potential.

Are you overwhelmed with the conflicting information available about what to eat to feel your best? Are you ready to feel better in your body? Want to decrease inflammation, strengthen digestion, and build immunity? Curious how to use food as medicine?

Join me in unlocking the ancient secrets of holistic wellness and embark on a transformative journey with this comprehensive 10-week Ayurveda course. Rooted in the wisdom of thousands of years, Ayurveda offers a profound understanding of the mind-body connection and empowers individuals to achieve optimal health and balance. 

Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse 2024

This is a community cleanse designed to give you all of the support and guidance you will need for the 14 day process. Upon the completion of the cleanse, your body will feel lighter, your mind will be clearer, and your digestion will be stronger. Sign up before October 28th for a 20% discount using the word 'earlybird'. Click learn more to see what's included!

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