Transform: A 10-Week Intensive Journey

Transform: A 10-Week Intensive Journey

Thursdays 6-7pm CST, April 25 - June 27

Unlock the ancient secrets of Ayurveda and awaken your true wellness potential.

Are you overwhelmed with the conflicting information available about what to eat to feel your best? Are you ready to feel better in your body? Want to decrease inflammation, strengthen digestion, and build immunity? Curious how to use food as medicine?


Hi! I'm Katelyn Sonnier and I help people increase their vitality of life by educating you on how to be in control of your health and wellbeing. I empower you to self-heal using food as medicine, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices. 

Join me in unlocking the ancient secrets of holistic wellness and embark on a transformative journey with this comprehensive 10-week Ayurveda course. Rooted in the wisdom of thousands of years, Ayurveda offers a profound understanding of the mind-body connection and empowers individuals to achieve optimal health and balance. 

Ayurveda, the timeless science of life, offers profound wisdom and practical tools to enhance every aspect of your existence - from physical health to emotional balance and spiritual alignment. This immersive program is designed to empower you with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to revolutionize your lifestyle. 

What's Covered:

  • Ayurveda Fundamentals - Discover the foundational principles, doshas, and elements that shape your unique mind-body makeup. 

  • Nutrition and Diet - Learn how to nourish your unique mind-body type with Ayurvedic cooking, meal planning, and mindful eating practices.

  • Daily Routines and Rituals - Cultivate holistic habits for your optimal health, including Ayurvedic self-care practices, yoga, and meditation. 

  • Herbal Medicine and Remedies - Harness the healing power of herbs, spices, and Ayurvedic remedies to prevent illness and promote strong digestion.

  • Integrating Ayurveda into Daily Life - Master the art of living in alignment with nature’s rhythms and unlock your full potential for vitality, joy, and fulfillment.

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Transform your life with Ayurveda – enroll now and embrace the radiant vitality that's waiting within you!

“Katelyn loves what she does and she's so good at this! She knows her stuff! All my concerns were seen, heard, and addressed. The way she brings all the pieces of the puzzle together to help me understand what's going on. Definitely recommend! Thank you, Katelyn!” -Devaney B.

Ayurveda is a healing science, translating to “wisdom of life” or “study of you”. It is an integrative approach to health that takes into account not just your physical body but also your mind and soul. Ayurveda teaches that what is going on outside of you is also going on inside of you.

Limited spots available. Reserve your place today!

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